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Port strikes again! Neighbors up in arms over unapproved location of massive storage tent

Writer's picture: Mike LednovichMike Lednovich

Updated: Apr 26, 2024

For over a century the home on North 3rd and Escambia enjoyed views of the Amelia River.

Now a huge fabric tent blocks the sightline to the river.

Ocean Highway Port Authority (OHPA) commissioners found themselves in the proverbial "between a rock and a hard space" after the company that runs the port erected a massive storage tent in a different location than had previously been approved.

Homeowners on North 3rd Street who had enjoyed unobstructed views of the Amelia River now gaze at the enormous white, fabric structure.

OHPA officials were informed Wednesday that dismantling the fabric warehouse and relocating it to its original intended location would cost an estimated $600,000.

"Shame on you. You could have stopped this!" shouted one angry resident as homeowners filed out of the OHPA meeting when no action was taken to address their concerns.

Last August, the port announced it would start building a 100-foot by 250-foot tent with available funding through a state grant on the northeast quadrant of the port complex. A second tent would be built as additional funds became available. The original plan was approved by OHPA at its September meeting.

"I am concerned that if OHPA does not make the port operator have the warehouse moved to the approved location, Savage (the operator) will feel it has the green light to do whatever it wants to do at the Port," wrote North 3rd Street homeowner Bob Virtue in an email to OHPA. "For example, would Savage make the decision to enhance revenue and bring hazardous materials into the Port thereby potentially jeopardizing the residents and others in the neighborhood around the Port, including St. Michael's School?"

Virtue told the Observer that besides homeowners, area residents frequently walked North 3rd Street to enjoy the view of the river and marshes. "Now that's gone," he said.

OHPA members were united in castigating port operator Savage/Nassau Marine Terminal's decision to build the warehouse at it current location without seeking approval from the OHPA commission.

Nassau Marine Terminal manager Kyle Clark told commissioners that he had informally told them of the change of location during a congressional tour of the port in February by Congressman Aaron Bean.

"The discussion was had with OHPA minus Commissioner Fullwood on the day we were touring the representatives," Clark said. "We said hey, right outside the window (of the port building) we're moving it over here and here are some of our justifications. I recognize that's not this meeting and that's not formal and that's a mistake," Clark said. "I apologize for that. It's unfair to say there was no notification to OHPA because the conservation happened that day. I don't want it misrepresented that the operator took free rein and did whatever they want."

Clark's explanation drew immediate rebuke from OHPA Chair Miriam Hill and Vice Chair Justin Taylor.

"I'm very disappointed that the rationale that is being given for such a major change to a major project, is a comment as part of an overall discussion that was an off hand comment that the warehouse location was in a particular place that the neighbors would probably be happy with that. I think it's reasonable for any of the (OHPA) commissioners present, was that this item would come before the board and that we would have a picture of where the warehouse is going to go before construction commenced. Instead, the path that was followed was without that proper process," Hill said. "This warehouse is built with public funds so it's not at Savage's discretion to change the approved plan. We have a grant agreement in place that governs these funds so they would look back at the approval the board gave to determine what we build satisfies the grant agreement."

The OHPA approved location of storage tents (yellow) instead was built in a different location (red)

by the port operator blocking the river views of homeowners on nearby North 3rd Street

Clark said relocating the fabric warehouse was necessitated by having to move shipping containers and other cargo to areas of the port complex that are prone to flooding or next to the fence line which is at an angle and would require additional engineering work to make it level.

"Shouldn't Savage have done their due diligence prior to presenting this to us and know that and understand that?" Commissioner Taylor said.

Clark told the OHPA board "that by the time I was pulled into it (the project) my question was where are we going to put all these (shipping) containers? This side of the yard floods and this side of the yard tips over. That's when I started looking for alternatives."

Hill asked OHPA commissioners if there was any action deemed necessary regarding the location of the warehouse.

"I do not see that we should pay to have it moved or to put the burden on them (Savage) to have it moved because of the amount of money. It would be a waste of taxpayer money and a waste of their (Savage) money money. We're trying to work with them and get things done at the port," said Commissioner Mike Cole.

Commissioner Taylor admitted he was struggling with the situation.

"I feel like where it (the warehouse) was agreed upon is where it should be," he said. "But it doesn't appear that every one share thats same sentiment."

Clark argued that moving the structure to it's approved location would "be putting all of our cargo at risk. It's a bad move all the way around. Putting it there was a terrible idea."

The adjacent neighborhood has fended off numerous port proposals that would have a detrimental impact on the historic community. The port has wanted to expand its footprint; sought to have passenger ships as a new business; had numerous stored cement bags leak and spread cement dust over the houses; had trucks backed up on Dade Street in the early morning hours; and OHPA is selling port owned property in the neighborhood.

Hill ended the discussion reaffirming the goal of the port.

"Our focus is to keep commerce flowing at the port. Because commerce at the port services the grants to be put to bear, the public monies put to bear, it's the reason why the port exists. We are all in favor of new business coming into the port and this warehouse supports that new business. But the process has to be followed. So this will have implications and Savage will have to bear that because the process wasn't followed. I don't know what those actions will be, because we don't know what the grant agreement requires, we don't know if the (city building department) permit will be approved and we don't know what other members of the community would say had this (issue) been (publicly) noticed."

She said the issue would be on OHPA's May agenda for further discussion.



Max Alligood
Max Alligood
Apr 25, 2024

I believe Mr. Clark follows Ask for forgiveness rather than asking for permission. But I doubt he cares if anyone forgives him

Apr 26, 2024
Replying to

I agree. I don't know what case law has to say about this in FL, but in California the law says no one is entitled to a view. If your new neighbor moves in and builds a wall which obstructs the view from your house, there is nothing you can do about it because it's legal.


Apr 25, 2024

What's going to be stored in this tent?


Apr 25, 2024

Just when you think things cannot get any worse with port operations, it does. At a minimum, there should have been a review process to discuss any potential changes to the approved plan with proper notice to the residents. Shame on Savage and Clark!

Apr 26, 2024
Replying to

If only there was such a thing as being ashamed for disregarding others any longer. The prevalent mindset is "It's my land, I will build whatever I want on it wherever I want it and it's legal." Kind of like trying to sneak around the city charter prohibitions and build an ethanol plant.


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