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Writer's pictureMike Lednovich

Biking and walking enthusiasts share concerns with County engineer for needed improvements

By Mike Spino

A crowd of over 70 local residents and city staff gathered at the Peck Center Monday night to hear Robert Companion, Nassau County Deputy Manager and Engineer provide an update on Amelia Island trail development and voice concerns about walking and biking safety on the island.

Citizens articulated their concern that our quality of life is slipping because our roadways are insufficient for the size, speed and volume of the vehicles we now have. Residents feel it is unsafe to walk or cycle on the state roads especially S. Fletcher. There is only one crosswalk on Atlantic between S. 14th and the beach. Egan’s Creek Park, the greenway, Atlantic Rec., Fort Clinch State Park and the Marriott Hotel have no safe crossing. Residents indicated that it is unsafe to cross S. 8th St. for much of its length. There is concern for the lack of maintenance and deteriorating sidewalks, roadways and bike lanes on S. Fletcher. There is consensus that the state should do safety studies on these roadways and design and build infrastructure that slows down traffic and makes our roads safer for everyone including walkers and cyclists.

Some Specific Issues from the Community Meeting:

  • Vehicle speed is a major concern. Residents want vehicle speed lowered across the island. Get people on “island time.”

  • Safety concerns on the state controlled roads of S. Fletcher, Atlantic and S. 8th St. especially vehicle speed, lack of crosswalks and sidewalks.

  • Lack of maintenance of S. Fletcher roadway, bike lanes and sidewalks.

  • Safety concerns on Citrona from vehicle speed, lack of crosswalks and stop signs.

  • Concerns about the lack of bike lanes and safe passage west bound to the Shave Bridge.

  • Teach rules of the road to walkers, cyclists and motorists.

Companion reported that the first section of Amelia Island Trail extension on the Amelia Island Parkway will begin in June. Completion all the way to S. 8th St. is projected by 2026. A feasibility study is also underway for the Will Hardee/Sadler/S. 14th St. renovation and trail addition. The Schools to Downtown Waterfront Trail is on the Transportation Planning Organization list for future funding. The county has requested funding for trail study for S. 8th from Sadler to the Shave Bridge.

Also presented last night were three specific proposals to improve walking and biking safety:

  • A paved trail thru the Lime St. park to connect Lime St. with S. 7th St. to allow safe passage off of S. 8th St.

  • Development and implementation of the TextMyGov application allowing residents to text safety problems directly to City staff for quicker resolution and data analysis.

  • A design study for Beech St. from S. 8th to S. 14th to organize and improve parking, add a trail, slow traffic and provide trees.

The City’s online walking and biking safety survey has received 115 responses from the community. The top three areas of concern in the survey are S. Fletcher, Citrona and a desire for more off road trails.

Upcoming Citizens’ Task Force for Safe Walking and Biking in Fernandina Beach meetings:

  • May 23, from 5-7 p.m. at the Peck Center Auditorium: Second Community Walking and Biking Town Hall Meeting to invite additional citizen input.

  • On May 31, from 4-6 p.m. at City Commission Chambers: The Task Force will hold a consensus-building meeting to select short-, mid- and long-term recommendations.

  • June 12, from 4-6 p.m. at City Commission Chambers: The Task Force will hold a community meeting and share the draft Task Force Final Report.

  • July 11, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. at the City Commission’s Regular Meeting at City Hall: The Task Force will present a Report of Community Recommendations to Promote Safe and Accessible Walking and Biking in Fernandina Beach.

Additionally, Community members are encouraged to go to to provide recommendations that would improve the access and safety of Fernandina Beach’s walkers, runners, cyclists and people with mobility issues. Please e-mail Mike Spino at with questions or comments. The Task Force looks forward to hearing from the public.

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