A consultant structual assessment to the city about the Atlantic Rec Center Auditorium says "Kimley-Horn recommends that the City budget for the future demolition and complete replacement of this facility within the next 2 to 4 years."
Total replacment of the entire Atlantic Rec Center complex built in 1956 was placed at $14 million by the consultant.
Kimley-Horn said the auditorium should not be occupied when winds exceed 25 mph and that the building should no longer be used as a shelter during a hurricane.
Kimley-Horn recommends that geotechnical data be collected so that the west and south walls of the building can be stabilized with structural underpinning support as soon as possible (prior to the 2023 hurricane season).
An opinion of the approximate replacement and repair costs for each building are as follows. Note, replacement
costs are only for the building structure itself and do not include demolition of the existing facilities, new
land/property, offsite utility infrastructure costs, furnishings, owner’s contingency, or etc. These costs are based
on RS Means 2022 construction cost data per square foot.
Replacement /Repairs
1) Auditorium: $4,000,000 to $5,500,000 Repairs - $1,255,500 to $1,964,000
2) Administrative Building: $3,500,000 to $5,000,000 Repairs - $160,500 to $ 264,000
3) Fitness Facility: $1,500,000 to $2,500,000 Repairs - $70,500 to $ 174,000
4) Aquatics Building: $1,500,000 to $2,500,000 Repairs $30,000 to $ 80,000
Kimley-Horn places the necessary repairs to the auditorium at between $1.255 million to $1.9 million (see below)
The report states: The list of structural deficiencies includes multiple cracks in the exterior structural walls due
to settlement of the foundation; water and moisture intrusion through the brick façade, cracks in the masonry,
gaps around exterior windows; aged and deteriorated roof systems; and surface corrosion of the roof overhang
supports. According to information from the City, this facility was constructed in 1956. The typical service life
for a building of this nature is between 25 and 50 years. Therefore, at an age of 66 to 67 years, the Auditorium
has surpassed its design life. Since the construction of the auditorium, there have been numerous changes to
the building code requirements which include higher loads being supported by structures as well as more
detailed material specifications.
Atlantic Rec Center's administration building needs another $200,000+ in repairs according to the report.
The report said the Fitness Facility needs another minimum $160,000 in repairs and is in overall fair condition. The roof is aging and due to the proximity of trees around the building, the gutters collect leaf debris. However, the roof appears to drain well, with no observed areas of ponding water. During our review of the building exterior and interior we observed some cracks in the masonry walls and brick façade; and surface corrosion of the roof overhang supports. Kimley-Horn recommends that those items be repaired and that the cracks be monitored. The recommended repairs in priority order are as follows:
The Aquatics Building is in overall good condition. The roof is aging but it appears to drain well, with no observed
areas of ponding water. During our review of the building exterior we observed surface corrosion of the roof
overhang supports. Kimley-Horn recommends that the overhang supports be cleaned and painted and that the
roof be monitored and cleared of any future debris if it accumulates. The recommended repairs in priority order
are as follows:
1) Clean and paint roof overhang supports $ 30,000 to $ 80,000